Tuesday, 2 October 2012

September Reality Check

Alright so September is over, which means 1 month down, 2 to go in fall semester. In this 4 week span of juggling so many balls (pun intended) that I had a momentary break down that was solved via a raging kettlebell swing episode (.. in my condo... with my cat), I am choosing to tell you all about my top 5 lessons learned this month.

The Top 5 Reality Checks:

1. I am not superwoman (though I would look very badass being her for Halloween...)
Where I thought I could effectively manage my work load, clients, friends, relationship, school work, school activities, school friends, fitness, health, family, and sanity, I am very.. so very, very wrong.  All of those on one level or another have suffered. Every single one. Maybe not to the naked eye or to those that I can successfully fake sanity to, but if I feel something slipping then that's enough for me to raise a red flag because each of these are highly important to me. Changes will be coming and adjustments will be made or else I will be bald, 110 pounds, and resemble Mr. Burns by mid-November. That's the biggest lesson I've learned at this phase of life - I simply can't do it all. Prioritization is essential.. but when everything is a priority, where the hell do you start to trim?

2. Grad school is a lot of work. Like.. A LOT of work
Where undergrad you could basically get by each year by cramming for midterm and final exams, I have next to no exams to cram for. Seriously. 1 midterm and 1 final for this term. So where does the work and grading come in? I have at least 2 cases and 2 articles that I need to prep for for every class I atttend, which is 5 during the week. Do the math - 10 cases, 10 articles, which all have questions to answer before class time. Where does grading come in? Presentations, group assignments, research assignments, individual case analysis, group case analysis, etc. which all involve prep, coordination, group meetings, and work. Work work work. I am going to be starting a new blog entry called 'Undergrad vs. Grad School' so I can identify some key differences in all aspects - profs, work load, quantity of work, quality of work, dressing for class, etc. But for now, know that the work load is significantly more intensive and the whole 'cramming' method is shot to hell. Perfect. Time for a new approach.

3. My friends may not remember me
If you are my friend and you have seen me in September, consider yourself one of the few. I'm a hermit and a loser. I'd love to say that we can get together soon and party, but to be honest I doubt that is going to happen until December, and then again in April, 2013. Even if I can come up for air between now and then I will likely spend it watching Rogers on Demand catching up on the shows that used to bring me joy but now cannot be watched due to class time and class prep. But I'll meet you on my couch? Say 11:30PM on a week night? Done.

4. My body has gone to shit, and I must fix that
Though it may still look (relatively) normal on the outside, my poor muscles have gone soft. SOFT. I have worked out 2 times in 4 weeks (yes, that's right TWO TIMES). A-Cain feel free to yell at me now to make time, I need it. Too bad after paying tuition and living downtown Toronto I don't have any money to spare or I'd hire someone to get my ass back in shape.
This is of high priority to change but it all comes down to that - making time. If anyone has any tricks I'm open. Perhaps I need to change my regime to 30 minute planned workouts to account for my schedule these days. But as I take pride in my fitness and work outs it's embarrassing that this has gone so far. Being physically fit is a part of my mantra and self image and without it I feel lost and a little foreign in my skin. And to the ass hole who coined the term 'saddlebag', I wish I could roundhouse kick you in the face. It haunts me.

5. Meals are less standardized, more about convenience.
In addition to my fitness, my diet has also gone to shit. Combine that with lesson numero 4 above  and you've got yourself one angry body and cry-eating-Rachel. Meal planning is essential, and it doesn't stop at packing a lunch the night before. During the week I have to pack for both lunch and dinner since I work during the day and am in class all night. Well that involves prepping the day before, right? Doesn't really happen when you get home from class at 11PM every night. So you can see where this cycle goes. I completely understand the eating out, fast food, quick and convenient lifestyle that is dominating the western culture (ahem obesity rising) but the kicker is it makes you have less energy and feel like ass so is the 15 minutes you spare really worth the outcome? Nnnnoooo. So I must MUST make time to pack healthy lunches and dinners. Feed the brain. Feed the mind. (right, Mom?)

That's all for now. Here is what I look like on a daily basis..


  1. Hey rachel,

    Probably my favourite "I have no time but I have to workout or else I'll die or kill everyone around me" workout is kettlebell swings and pushup ladders. Last year when I was trying to balance work and teachers college I did this workout a lot. You can change the rep scheme and the volume as you see fit or as time allows, but a good one is:
    20 swings
    1 pushup
    19 swings
    2 pushups
    18 swings
    3 pushups
    ... and on until
    1 swing
    20 pushups

    Great way to get some posterior chain work, some athletic, explosive movement, and some upper body work as well, not to mention a great conditioning hit.

    Also, check out this blog post by Nia Shanks. She has some interesting stuff on time-crunch workout ideas.

  2. Braden that's amazing - thanks a lot! I'll check out her posts in addition to what you gave me. Exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks!
