Saturday, 30 March 2013

29 Things I Do In Finals Week (Procrastination Edition)

It's the most stressful week of my masters program. Unlike undergrad that was riddled with final exams worth 20-30%, I am neck deep in a sea of final reports and presentation decks that actually require me to do a significant amount of work (and are worth a whole heck of a lot more). Obviously I knew these reports were coming due, and I actually did start on most of them a few weeks ago (honestly), but alas the procrastination bug has taken a hold of me and here I am. Writing a blog post. Which I haven't done in almost 3 months.

I'm sure many of you have experienced the below. For those who haven't, enjoy.

29 Things I Do In Finals Week
  1. Take off pants. They're restrictive.
  2. Eat garbage food. Ain't nobody got time to cook.
  3. Clean out closet. Organize. Colour code.
  4. Create donation pile of clothes.
  5. Make mental note to go shopping when school is done. Question clothing choices and sense of style in general.
  6. Not shower.
  7. Make mental note to shower.
  8. Shower after 3 days of not showering.
  9. Drink a gla...bottle of wine.
  10. Check Facebook.
  11. Check Facebook 3 minutes later.
  12. Get upset when nothing has changed on Facebook.
  13. Stare at self in mirror. Make mental note to go to gym.
  14. Eat bag of chips. And dip. Side of mini eggs (costco sized).
  15. Put on large sweat pants to hide self-loathing of abovementioned food choices.
  16. Call mom and complain.
  17. Call sister and complain when mom says get back to work.
  18. Go on Pinterest
  19. Go on pinning rampage
  20. Pin photos of dream house that's even farther off due to ridiculous amount of student debt. 
  21. Create secret wedding board
  22. (Kidding... it's already created, obviously)
  23. Open the fridge. Close it. Everything is expired or growing new stuff.
  24. Watch YouTube previews of Game of Thrones.
  25. Spend a considerable amount of time wishing to trade places with Daenerys Targaryen. Bet she didn't have to write reports.
  26. she's badass...
  27. Write out list of all assignments due next week.
  28. Panic. 
  29. Sit down and write a first draft of 1/6 reports due.
  30. Repeat #1-29

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